Discovering Your Power Place Within

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Discovering Your Power Place Within

Have you ever felt as though you were disconnected from yourself and everything around you? Do you find it challenging to stay calm in times of conflict or stress? If you answered yes to either of these questions, chances are you may not be familiar with your power place within. Your power place is not necessarily a physical location, but rather a feeling of deep connection to your inner self-energy – a powerful, loving, insightful, and wise part of you. In this blog post, we will explore the various ways in which you can discover your power place within and the immense benefits it can have in your day-to-day life.

Defining your Power Place Within

Your power place within is the energy that emanates from the core of your being. It is the purest form of your essence that connects you to everything around you. It could be your soul-self, inner teacher, or guide. Whatever this energy is to you, it is a place of calm, peace, and contentment. It is where you feel grounded in your truth, your values, and your beliefs. In accessing your power place, you are tapping into your intuitive wisdom, and it helps you approach life's challenges from a place of empowerment.

Connecting to your Power Place Within

Connecting to your power place is not as difficult as it may seem. You can create a powerful connection to your power place through meditation, mindfulness or simply sitting in stillness and silence. You can visualize yourself surrounded by a warm glow of light and energy. This warm glow is your power place, and it is a feeling of deep connection. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to connect to your power place – the key is to find what works best for you.

Benefits of Accessing your Power Place Within

One of the most significant benefits of accessing your power place is the regulation of your nervous system and emotional state. When you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, connecting to your power place can help calm your nerves and regulate your emotions. It makes it easier for you to tackle issues from a grounded and conscious state. Additionally, accessing your power place can help you build a stronger relationship with yourself, increase your self-awareness, and improve your overall well-being.

Practicing Coming Back to Your Power Place

Practicing coming back to your power place during times of stress or conflict is crucial. When you find yourself in a challenging situation, take a few deep breaths and visualize your power place. By doing this, you can release any negative thoughts or emotions and approach the situation with a clear mind and a positive attitude. You can then better navigate the situation and make empowered decisions in the moment.

Making your Power Place a Regular Practice

Make your power place a regular practice in your life. Set aside a few minutes each day to connect with yourself and your power place. Even if it's just a few minutes in the morning or before bed, make it a priority. The more you practice, the more you will build a deep and profound connection to your power place. Remember, each time you visit your power place, you are coming home to yourself.


Discovering your power place within is a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness. It is a place of pure essence that connects you to your inner Self-energy. By accessing your power place, you can soothe your nervous system, regulate your emotions, and improve your overall well-being. With regular practice, you can build a deep and profound connection to your power place, which will help you navigate life's challenges from a place of empowerment. Embrace this journey, and remember that your power place is always accessible within you.

Interested in creating a deep and consistent connection to your own power place? Subscribe to receive updates on my upcoming course, or book a session below!


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