Still hung up on your Ex? This one’s for you

Image Source: Lucy McNulty

Still hung up on your ex?

It’s most likely not your fault. 

I have so many clients who come to me that are struggling to move on from their ex and they don’t know why. It feels like a prison and they just want to be over them already. I get it (!) I have more experience in this area than I would like.

And every time a client comes to me for this reason, it is one of two things, every single time. The root of this issue for these clients is an energetic block. These blocks continue to draw their attention back to their ex almost against their will. 

The good news is that it is a relatively easy fix.

Signs that you could be holding one of these blocks:

  • You have constant dreams about your ex

  • Consciously you don’t want to be with them but you still feel this undeniable pull

  • You may not have even loved them that much when with them but you still feel connected and drawn to them

  • They felt like home and no one compares

  • You feel shut down or bitter about love 

  • Your thoughts are constantly going back to your ex no matter how long it has been

  • You may be constantly searching for ‘The One’ 

I am passionate about clearing these blocks in particular because they can be very painful, frustrating and disempowering. You deserve to feel freedom and attract a relationship that is truly aligned and fulfilling to you.

You can read more about these kind of energetic blocks here.

If this spoke to you and you would like to explore this deeper in session, book a session below. 

I look forward to supporting you!

Interested in exploring the Akashic Records and see what wisdom they may hold for you, book a reading below!


Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe: An Akashic Records Reading