Trusting Your Desires: How to Achieve Your Soul's True Expression
Image Source: Pinterest (HHEININGE Art)
Trusting Your Desires: How to Achieve Your Soul's True Expression
Have you ever felt crazy for having certain desires in life? Like it's wishful thinking and you could never have 'that.' You're not alone. Many of us have experienced doubts and fears about achieving our dreams. But what if I tell you that it's possible? Yes, it is possible to achieve that dream job, find a loving relationship, develop your creativity, find your people, and yes, even present to a room full of people. How? By trusting your desires. In this blog post, I'll share with you why your desires are important, how to trust them, and how to achieve your soul's true expression.
What Are Desires Really?
Firstly, let's talk about why your desires are important. Your desires are your intuition and guidance showing you what the truest expression of your soul is. They are unique to you and are not meant to be fulfilled by anyone else. Your soul desires are not the ones we have because we think it will fill some void within us. Instead, they are the ones that make us burst with excitement and love. They are the ones that give us a sense of purpose, joy, and fulfillment.
Owning Your Desires
Secondly, let's talk about how to trust your desires. When doubts and fears arise, remember that your instincts are as good as they've always been. Your crazy dreams are not actually crazy. They are just on the other side of your fear. Building up the courage and making yourself uncomfortable may seem scary, but remember that the amount of pride and love you feel for yourself for putting yourself out there trumps any fear. Have faith and take courageous steps to fulfill what uniquely makes you happy.
Achieving Your Soul’s True Expression
Thirdly, let's talk about how to achieve your soul's true expression. Start by identifying your desires. Write them down and visualize them in your mind. Then, take action towards achieving them. Break down big goals into smaller ones and celebrate every milestone you achieve. Surround yourself with positive people who support you and encourage you to be your best self. Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success. Learn from your ‘mistakes’ and keep moving forward. Work with a practitioner or coach that feels aligned to you. Holistic healing and Akashic Record work is undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools I have seen in aligning to our heart felt desires. If you feel the call, book in - I’d love to support you on your journey.
Book a session here.
Benefits Of Trust
Fourthly, let's talk about the benefits of trusting your desires. When you trust your desires, you align with the universe's energy. You attract more opportunities and experiences that are in line with your desires. You feel more fulfilled, happy, and content. You become more confident and empowered to pursue your dreams. You inspire others to do the same and create a ripple effect of magnetic energy. Accept that doubts and fears will arise, but don't let them stop you from pursuing your dreams. Embrace them as part of the journey towards achieving your soul's true expression.
Maintaining Trust
Lastly, let's talk about how to maintain trust in your desires. Let’s acknowledge here that some of our desires are going to take a little longer to come to fruition than others. And that’s okay! Hold the faith and take aligned steps to bring your desire in.
Another simple tip you can implement today is looking around for evidence that your desire is possible. Are their relationships that inspire you, feel safe and supportive? Find the evidence! This assists in rewiring your subconscious to believe that your desires are possible and making you even more magnetic.
If it helps, take it from me. The saying goes “where there is a will, there is a way”. For me that way has been this work I am so passionate about and have the honour of offering to others. I know this to be true from all the transformation and life-changing results I have witnessed from this work.
To give some personal examples;
I’ve gone from “incurable”, chronic illness to immense healing and relief (dare I say cured?!).
From being single for a heck of a long time and so closed off and fearful of a relationship that I would be physically ill if a male even looked at me - to being in the deeply supportive, secure and loving relationship of my dreams. No relationship is perfect but we show up for each other again and again, and how freeing and expansive it is to not strive for perfection. (More importantly though, these are all the traits that I have in my relationship with myself now too.)
From showing up as an insecure people pleaser to being so confident, empowered and easily asserting boundaries. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy doing things for the people I love - but it comes from a place of LOVE and nurtures my relationship with myself AND the other person.
I could go on but I think you get it. I have done so much work, healing and transformation and am still enjoying learning and evolving everyday. This work is life long and while we experience powerful, radical and magical results, they are continually deepening and unfolding.
In conclusion, trusting your desires is the key to achieving your soul's true expression. Your desires are unique to you and are an important part of your intuition and guidance. Trusting your desires takes courage, faith, and action. Identify your desires, break down big goals into smaller ones, celebrate every milestone, surround yourself with support, and don't be afraid to fail. The benefits of trusting your desires are immense- you feel more fulfilled, happy, and content, become more confident and empowered, and inspire others to do the same. Remember, your crazy dreams are not actually crazy- they are your intuition and soul guiding you. Trust your desires, hold the faith, and take courageous steps to fulfill what uniquely makes you happy.
Interested in deep healing and manifestation of your desires? Subscribe to receive updates on my upcoming course, or book a session below!