How to Heal and Find Inner Peace with Your Heart Chakra

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How to Heal and Find Inner Peace with Your Heart Chakra

Have you ever felt like you couldn't breathe when your heart was broken? Or maybe you've experienced a lack of trust in relationships that has left you feeling defensive or guarded. It's all too common to carry pain and heartbreak from the past, but the good news is that it is possible to heal and find inner peace. The Heart Chakra, is a powerful and vital part of our being. Located in the center of the chest, it represents the core of our emotions, connecting the physical and spiritual realms. When balanced, it allows us to embrace love, forgiveness, and compassion for ourselves and others. However, when our Heart Chakra is overactive or under-active, it can have debilitating effects on our physical, emotional, and mental health. In this blog post, we will explore the symptoms of imbalance within the Heart Chakra and tips to bring this energy centre back into balance, leading us toward a fulfilling life.

The Heart Chakra

Nestled in the center of your being, between the upper and lower Chakras, this powerful vortex radiates with unconditional love, self-acceptance, and self-love. The Heart Chakra holds a vibrant shade of green, like a serene meadow, enveloping this sacred space in your chest. Within this chakra, lies the delicate balance that connects your entire energy system.

An Under-Active Heart Chakra

When we experience an under-active Heart Chakra, it can manifest in various ways. We may be self-critical and judgmental, struggling to create balanced relationships that fulfill us. We may feel lonely and isolated, and our hearts may feel heavy with lingering sadness. Self-love and compassion may seem out of reach, and depression may be a battle. To overcome these challenges, we must work on cultivating self-love, forgiveness, and compassion. Working with a practitioner can help us process our emotions and create a foundation for healing.

A Balanced Heart Chakra

When our Heart Chakra is balanced, we experience inner peace and a healthy perception of self-love and compassion. We find it easy to create joy in our lives and form fulfilling relationships with others. We establish boundaries and prioritise self-care while remaining empathetic and understanding towards others. 

An Over-Active Heart Chakra

On the other hand, when the Heart Chakra is overactive, we may find ourselves overly focused on others and their relationships. We will have poor boundaries in place in regarding over-giving. We will often create codependent relationships and can appear to be very clingy and needy. We could show a tendency to stay in abusive relationships far too long. We can also become very self-indulgent and make choices to nurture ourselves that we actually can’t afford to do! It's essential to find ways to balance our desire for loving relationships with self-care and responsibility. We may need to set boundaries and take care of ourselves to avoid burning out and creating unhealthy relationships. Remember that it's okay to love and embrace yourself and prioritise your needs too.

Physical Imbalance Within The Heart Chakra

Physical imbalances in the Heart Chakra can manifest as heart disorders, lung issues, thymus or breast problems, and circulation issues. Upper back pain and immune system deficiencies may also arise. Seek medical help for any required physical issues and incorporate practices that support this chakra.

A Few Techniques To Balance The Heart Chakra

Clearing Blocks and Imbalances Through the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are an energetic database that contain information about our past, present, and potential future lives. By accessing these records, we can gain insight into the root causes of our Heart Chakra imbalances and clear any blocks that may be hindering our progress. Working within the Akashic Records is an extremely powerful tool for healing and transformation, and can clear deep rooted blocks that allow the below techniques to be more effective and influential in balancing the Heart Chakra.

To book an Akashic Record Reading click here.

Release and Heal from Past Heartbreak

An extremely valuable step to balancing the Heart Chakra is to release any pain and heartbreak that is held within it. This can be done through various healing practices and offers huge relief and lightness moving forward. 

Book a session here to experience powerful healing modalities tailored to the Heart. 

Develop Trust and Intentionally Open Yourself Up More

Developing trust in relationships can be difficult after heartbreak, but it is essential for opening up the Heart Chakra. One way to build trust is to intentionally open yourself up to new experiences and people. This might mean going on a date, trying a new hobby, or joining a social group. You can also work on developing self-trust by listening to your intuition and setting healthy boundaries in relationships.

Self-Massage Your Heart Chakra Sending Yourself Love

Self-massage and touch can be a powerful way to connect with the Heart Chakra. You can practice embodied loving self-touch by placing your hand over your heart and sending yourself love and compassion. You can massage the area gently in a circular motion, or simply hold the space with a sense of warmth and tenderness. This practice can help you to develop a sense of inner nurturance and self-compassion.

Connect with Nature and Lay There Being Held

Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and promote feelings of wellbeing. You can connect with nature by taking a walk in the park, sitting by the water, or simply meditating outdoors. One way to balance the Heart Chakra is to lie on the ground and imagine the earth holding and supporting you as you allow yourself to feel and release any painful emotions. This can help you to feel grounded and supported by something larger than yourself.

In Summary…

The journey to balance our Heart Chakra is a process that requires patience, self-awareness, and self-compassion. We must learn to love ourselves, forgive ourselves and others and approach life with empathy and understanding. By doing so, we can form healthy relationships and create a fulfilling and joyful life. Remember to prioritise self-care and seek support when needed. Balancing your Heart Chakra is a magical journey of opening the doors to endless love, compassion, and joy.

If any of these symptoms resonate with you and you feel called to balance your own Heart Chakra and increase your inner peace and self love, book a session below!

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