In My Beingness, I Am Living My Purpose: Acknowledging Your True Purpose

Image Source: HHEININGE Art

In My Beingness, I Am Living My Purpose: Acknowledging Your True Purpose

In today's fast-paced society, everyone is running a race to find their purpose. We put so much pressure on ourselves to accomplish something great that we forget to enjoy the present moment. We often ask ourselves, "Am I living my purpose?" and find ourselves consumed with trying to fulfill society's expectations. But what if I told you that your true purpose is not something you do, but rather who you are? This blog post aims to help you find your inner beingness and discover how living in your authentic self is the key to living your purpose.

Release Expectations and Pressure

When we feel overwhelmed with life's pressures, it's essential to remind ourselves that we are not required to be or do anything other than who we are. You are enough, and your energy is unique to you. So, instead of trying to conform to society's standards, release your expectations and your pressures. Allow yourself to rest and recharge. Your purpose is to be who you are, and your unique energy radiates through the world, and that is your purpose. Slow down and give yourself permission to be who you are.

Rest is Productive

The powerful magnetic energy we radiate is cultivated by tuning in to our inner being, creating space through slowing down. When we slow down, we can allow ourselves a moment of rest and reflection. This rest time is what allows you to birth new creations and ideas into the world. The space you create through rest is the foundation for any new creation. Therefore, honouring your rest and taking time for yourself is not laziness but rather a way to cultivate your energy and creativity.


When we slow down and find peace within ourselves, we create an environment where we can access our innermost thoughts and values. Through this practice, we can live with authenticity and bring a sense of purpose to our lives. It's essential to remember that your purpose is not something you attain but rather what you already are. Your beingness is unique to you, and it's what gives you purpose.


In conclusion, living in your beingness is the key to discovering your sense of purpose. Slow down, honor your rest, and cultivate your inner self. Release expectations and allow yourself to be who you are. Find peace within yourself and radiate your unique energy into the world. There is no need to rush to find your purpose because you are already living it in your beingness.

The process of deepening your connection within is extremely powerful in healing and at the cornerstone of my approach and living an authentic life.

If you’re ready to dive deep or would like support on your journey, book a session below!

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