Navigating the Winding Road of Inner Healing
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Navigating the Winding Road of Inner Healing
If you've ever embarked on the journey of inner healing, you know that it's not a seemingly easy task. In fact, it's more like a winding road that's full of bumps, detours, and unexpected twists and turns. You may feel like you're making progress one day, and feel like you're taking two steps back the next. This kind of up-and-down experience can leave you feeling confused, frustrated, and even discouraged. However, I'm here to tell you that this is all part of the process, and that you're right where you need to be. In this post, I'll share with you why the inner healing journey is not linear, and how to navigate the twists and turns that come along with it.
The Gains of Spiritual Healing: Moving Forward
There are moments when we feel like nothing can shake us off our spiritual path. We feel aligned, at peace, and in flow. This phase is revered as the most sought-after part of the healing journey. It's when you realise that all the hard work you've put in is beginning to pay off. Your heart is open, and you feel like you can conquer anything that comes your way. In these moments, remember to take time to pause and celebrate your accomplishments. Acknowledge and embrace your growth, for it is huge.
Healing Isn’t Linear
Let's get one thing straight: the inner healing journey is anything but predictable. It's not a straight path, but more like a road trip with a GPS that keeps recalculating every time you make a turn. Just when you think you've figured something out, something else could pop up that throws you off course. And that's okay! It's important to embrace the unpredictability of the journey, and to recognise that there's no "right" way to do it.
When You Feel Like You’re Going Backwards
Understand that feeling like you're going "backwards" is not a bad thing. I know it can feel like a setback, but it's actually an indicator that you're moving forward. In order to truly heal, you need to work through deep-seated wounds and traumas that have been buried for a long time. These wounds can't be healed overnight, and they may resurface multiple times before you fully process them. So instead of beating yourself up for feeling triggered, give yourself grace and acknowledge that you're one step closer to true healing.
It’s Not About “Fixing”
It's important to acknowledge that healing isn't just about "fixing" something that's broken. It's about uncovering a healthier, empowered version of yourself, and embracing all parts of yourself in the process. This means that as you continue to heal, you may also experience new growth and insights that you didn't anticipate. It's all part of the process of becoming more self-aware, compassionate, and empowered.
Remember, the purpose of inner work is not to eradicate all negative emotions from our lives. The truth is, negative emotions are a natural and necessary part of the human experience. Experiencing fear and pain is not something to be avoided, but rather embraced and used as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
Support & Guidance
Building a support system can be a game-changer on your inner healing journey. It can be tempting to try to do it all alone, but having a therapist, coach, or trusted friend to talk to can provide you with invaluable support and guidance. Plus, having someone on your side who understands the ups and downs of the process can help you feel less alone when you hit a rough patch.
There Is No End Point
Remember that the journey of inner healing is a lifelong one. There's no end point or finish line; it's a continuous process of growth and evolution. This can feel daunting, but it can also be empowering when you realise that you have the power to create your own path. So embrace the twists and turns, and trust that each detour is leading you to exactly where you need to be.
In conclusion, the inner healing journey is not a linear one. It's full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and unexpected detours. However, this is all part of the process of uncovering and embodying a more fulfilled version of yourself, of acknowledging your true nature. Remember to give yourself grace when you feel triggered, acknowledge the growth that comes from the journey, build a support system, and trust that each detour is leading you to exactly where you need to be. Keep on navigating that winding road, and know that you're exactly where you need to be.
The process of deepening your connection within is extremely powerful in healing and the journey is never linear.
If you’re ready to dive deep or would like support on your journey, book a session below!
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